I use the following code to zero an axis:
Jog(2,100); // jog slowly positive
while (!ReadBit(10)) ; // loop until IO bit goes
Jog(2,0); //
while (!CheckDone(2)) ; // loop until motion
DisableAxis(2); //
disable the axis
Zero(2); //
Zero the position
EnableAxis(2); //
re-enable the ServoTick
Move(2,-1000.0); //
move some amount inside the limits
while (!CheckDone(2)) ; // loop until motion
Lets say that channel 2 is the "X" axis. I have
measured the distance between the home switch and the
zero on my vice to be 4.458 inches. I put that value in
the .set file as shown:
axis_offset_x 4.458 any
real number
Now when I home the axis it sets the work
coordinates so that x is set to zero. The set file
only has an option to do this for 3 axis:
axis_offset_x 0.0 any
real number
axis_offset_y 0.0 any
real number
axis_offset_z 0.0 any
real number
I would like to be able to home my machine, and
be able to input an offset for X, Y, Z, A, B, and C.
Does this make sense?