
Group: DynoMotion Message: 14441 From: lmp582002 Date: 2/22/2017
Subject: Set File
I am setting to use all 6 axis on a CNC wood router. I am using a homing program to touch off tools. In the "C" program when I "Zero(axis)" it takes the file stored in the ".set" file and makes it the current position on KmotionCNC.

My problem is that this only functions for X,Y,and Z. I dont see values in the set file for A, B, or C. Is there another way to do this? Can the set file be altered to have zero positions for the other axis as well?


Group: DynoMotion Message: 14442 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 2/22/2017
Subject: Re: Set File

Hi Scott,

Could you be more specific what you are doing?  What exactly are you doing in the C Program?   What parameters in the .set file are you referring to?  What are your GCode Offsets?  Are you setting Machine Coordinates to Zero?



On 2/22/2017 8:38 AM, lmp582002@... [DynoMotion] wrote:

I am setting to use all 6 axis on a CNC wood router. I am using a homing program to touch off tools. In the "C" program when I "Zero(axis)" it takes the file stored in the ".set" file and makes it the current position on KmotionCNC.

My problem is that this only functions for X,Y,and Z. I dont see values in the set file for A, B, or C. Is there another way to do this? Can the set file be altered to have zero positions for the other axis as well?



Group: DynoMotion Message: 14444 From: lmp582002 Date: 2/22/2017
Subject: Re: Set File

I use the following code to zero an axis:

    Jog(2,100);             // jog slowly positive
    while (!ReadBit(10)) ;  // loop until IO bit goes high
    Jog(2,0); // stop
    while (!CheckDone(2)) ; // loop until motion completes 
    DisableAxis(2); // disable the axis
    Zero(2); // Zero the position
    EnableAxis(2); // re-enable the ServoTick
    Move(2,-1000.0); // move some amount inside the limits
    while (!CheckDone(2)) ; // loop until motion completes 

Lets say that channel 2 is the "X" axis. I have measured the distance between the home switch and the zero on my vice to be 4.458 inches. I put that value in the .set file as shown:

axis_offset_x 4.458 any real number

Now when I home the axis it sets the work coordinates so that x is set to zero. The set file only has an option to do this for 3 axis:

axis_offset_x 0.0 any real number
axis_offset_y 0.0 any real number
axis_offset_z 0.0 any real number

I would like to be able to home my machine, and be able to input an offset for X, Y, Z, A, B, and C. Does this make sense?


Group: DynoMotion Message: 14445 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 2/22/2017
Subject: Re: Set File

Hi Scott,

I think I understand.  You are using the G92 Axis Offset to set the origin for your vice.

If you open the edit fixture offsets you should see your xyz offset on the bottom for G92 offsets.  Do you see this?

Why not put the xyzabc offsets there and remove forcing them in the .set file?



On 2/22/2017 6:12 PM, lmp582002@... [DynoMotion] wrote:


I use the following code to zero an axis:

    Jog(2,100);             // jog slowly positive
    while (!ReadBit(10)) ;  // loop until IO bit goes high
    Jog(2,0); // stop
    while (!CheckDone(2)) ; // loop until motion completes 
    DisableAxis(2); // disable the axis
    Zero(2); // Zero the position
    EnableAxis(2); // re-enable the ServoTick
    Move(2,-1000.0); // move some amount inside the limits
    while (!CheckDone(2)) ; // loop until motion completes 

Lets say that channel 2 is the "X" axis. I have measured the distance between the home switch and the zero on my vice to be 4.458 inches. I put that value in the .set file as shown:

axis_offset_x 4.458 any real number

Now when I home the axis it sets the work coordinates so that x is set to zero. The set file only has an option to do this for 3 axis:

axis_offset_x 0.0 any real number
axis_offset_y 0.0 any real number
axis_offset_z 0.0 any real number

I would like to be able to home my machine, and be able to input an offset for X, Y, Z, A, B, and C. Does this make sense?
